Interval Power

This is the support page for Interval Power.

If you are using Interval Power, we’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below with any questions, suggestions or comments on Interval Power.


Interval Power by David Burns is a flexible and powerful timer for any interval or round timing task.

  • Time workouts, recipes, and more.
  • Create any sequence you want.
  • Select visible and / or audible alerts for transitions.
  • Customize with standard or high contrast themes

Interval Power comes with these built-in workouts:

  • The research-proven Tabata high intensity interval sequence
  • The challenging Five Minute Plank for core strength
  • The famous Fight Gone Bad! from Crossfit®
  • Round sequences of one, two, three, and five-minute rounds

You can customize these workouts, delete the ones you won’t use, and create and save your own.

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